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[resources] trial notice of the series database of "photocopying newspaper materials" of renmin university of China

[resources] trial notice of the series database of "photocopying newspaper materials" of renmin university of China


Release date: 2019-04-19

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Law (photocopied data from the press by people's congress (NPC), the full text database, collected since reform and opening up the domestic published more than 4000 kinds of humanities and social science research achievements of academic press briefing, content is published by professional editors and industry experts for the excellent paper, selection, classification of editing, compiled into library, forming a "essence between" good journals database, and updated in real time.


At present, there are six series of sub-databases, including full-text database, digital periodical database, newspaper abstract database, newspaper index database, catalogue index database and thematic research database.


This series of databases are rich in content. They are not only a complete library of fine academic works selected and condensed by experts, scholars and academic leaders with a full academic vision, but also an index database providing all research information of humanities and social sciences. In addition to study academic hot spot and the reader demand research and development of special libraries, such as "selection" and "comprehensive" perfect combination, formed the wide coverage, classification accurate, eclectic complete social science information database system, fill in the blank in the field of humanities and social science digital publishing, has important ideological and cultural and scientific research value.


Overall resource description:

1. Presentation mode: academic papers and journals

2. Year: 1995 -- 2019

3. Data volume: nearly 30,000 pieces/year; The total library is about 500,000 pieces


Method of use

IP address authorization, authorization address can be directly accessed. Resource access address: click to enter

Trial deadline: July 31, 2019

If you have any questions during the trial period, please contact the resource construction department: 84396021.


Note: this database is a trial database. It will be closed after the trial period. Please understand that whether to buy depends on the actual cost and other factors.

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